Bad Girl

“Bad Girl” watercolor on paper, 15x11 ©Sara Drescher-available $1200

This is a sensitive piece, so bear with me as it may need more care and attention from me in the future.

I think the phrase, “Bad Girl,” has roots in double standards, self-righteousness, and unseen trauma.

Whenever I have heard this phrase aimed at a person, from a male or female speaker, it seems to be because of unmet, expected societal behavior. To me, this “girl” is asking for more than is offered to her by “nice” society. This “girl” lives her life in an unconventional way. Her choices might be purely out of her own wishes and desires. Her choices and actions might be a result of trauma. Either way, this phrase has always bothered me. “She’s a bad girl” seems like a way to make the speaker feel better about their own choices while ignoring the pain of another human being.

I also realize this phrase has already been reclaimed in many arenas. I am all for being unconventional and reclaiming a woman’s power. However, I think “bad girl” is still being weaponized, especially when addressed to the young.

What do you think? What else can we add to this conversation?

To collect, please contact Sara.