
“Breeder/Expired” watercolor on paper, 19x25 ©Sara Drescher

“Breeder/Expired” watercolor on paper, 19x25 ©Sara Drescher

One of the reasons women are judged and objectified goes back to a primordial need for a mate in order to procreate.  Desirable characteristics for offspring mixed with a young body to grow children drive some unconscious beauty standards and the relevance and viability of women as they age. As women age, they become less viable in the workplace and less relevant on social platforms, while men are still seen as relevant and even wise as they age.

The two casserole dishes (vessels of a sort, as are women) float/fall in a precarious balance to show how these superfluous and unfair standards are harmful and can cause a multitude of difficulties for women.

Article in Forbes magazine