From a Certain Point of View

There are still many double standards placed upon women.  They tend to reflect unmet traditional expectations. For all the women who have been called ‘bossy’ and are now a Boss, I stand with you. My hope is that we can all recognize and support the gifts and callings that each person possesses regardless of how they fit the old molds and expectations.

To collect from this series, contact Sara.

“Point of View No. 2” watercolor on aquabord 8x10-available 1500 ©Sara Drescher

“Point of View” watercolor on aquabord 8x10-availalble at Wally Workman Gallery ©Sara Drescher

“From a Certain Point of View” watercolor on paper, 15x11 ©Sara Drescher

“From a Certain Point of View” watercolor on paper, 15x11 ©Sara Drescher-private collection