Teacups and Water Bottles

In this series, the teacup and the water bottle refer to the redundancy of waste in our culture’s use of single use plastics.  The water bottle precariously balancing in, or on, the delicate teacup speaks to the redundancy of waste in our culture’s use of plastics, as the single use bottle holds water in a reusable container.

They also represent the privilege in eco-activism.  Not a lot of time is spent talking about how poverty and want causes so much damage to the environment, not from an aggression towards the earth, but from a place of survival and few alternatives.  

Those in a place of privilege are often guilty of being in a place of taking.  We need to change how we interact with our fellow man in the same way we change how we interact with our environment. 

To collect this series, click here.

“Culture No. 2” watercolor on paper, 11x14, 16x20 framed-available $1200

“Culture No. 8” watercolor on paper, 18x30, 24x36 framed ©Sara Drescher-available $3200

“We are a Culture of Takers No. 2” 11x14, 16x20 framed, watercolor on paper-$1200 available

“Don’t Mess with Texas No. 2” watercolor on Aquabord, 16x20- $2100 -available

“Culture No. 3” watercolor on paper, 11x14, framed 16x20 ©Sara Drescher $1200-available